

School's Out Summer Concert

Shortly before the school closed for summer, we held our School’s Out Summer Concert.

The concert was held in the Radcliffe Hall which was beautifully set for the occasion with thanks to our wonderful Director of Music, Corinne Cook and her team in the music department. Oh what a night!

Visiting Students from China

On the 2nd July we welcomed 4 students to Tranby who joined us all the way from China!

Our visiting students participated in the final lessons of the term before exploring many beautiful tourist spots across Yorkshire. They even kept smiling on Tuesday during their visit to York when there was rainfall of Biblical proportions! Read on to see what other exciting and educational experiences our visitors and indeed our own students have enjoyed over the last week.

Senior School Sports Day

Sports Day on Monday 24 June was fabulous as always. All participants coped exceptionally well with the extremely warm weather and were very sensible regarding fluid intake, keeping in the shade whenever possible and applying lots of sunscreen. The day was a huge success due to the tremendous collective attitude of the Tranby community of staff, parents, and pupils.

Unlocking Potential: The Benefits of Independent Schools

Choosing the right educational path for your child is one of the most significant decisions a parent can make. Among the many options available, independent schools (often referred to as private schools) such as ours, offer unique advantages that can profoundly shape a child's academic journey and personal development. Understanding these benefits, as well as how they differ from state-school experiences can help you make an informed decision about your child's future.

Read on to discover why families choose Tranby.


School's Out Summer Concert

We are excited to welcome you to the Senior School summer concert on the 27th of June. Tickets are free of charge but so we can ascertain numbers for refreshments, please ensure you register for a ticket for each person in your party.

Visit https://www.trybooking.com/uk/events/landing/62923? to reserve your tickets.

Students Gain Valuable Insights into Career Opportunities at Triton Power Station

On Wednesday the 8th of May, a group of eight students, accompanied by Careers Coordinator Jo Harding, embarked on an insightful visit to Triton Power Station. Hosted by Triton Power’s CEO, Mick Farr and his fabulous team, the visit provided a unique opportunity for the students to explore potential career paths within the energy sector.

The day commenced with a warm welcome from Triton Power's staff, setting the tone for an engaging experience ahead. Students were treated to an informative presentation highlighting the diverse career opportunities available within the company. From engineering to finance and procurement, Triton Power showcased the myriad avenues for personal and professional growth within the organisation.

A highlight of the visit was the chance to interact with a team of enthusiastic young apprentices who shared their first-hand experiences and passion for their work at Triton Power. Their confidence and dedication served as an inspiration to the visiting students, igniting a spark of curiosity about future career possibilities.

Led by an experienced guide John, the students embarked on a comprehensive tour of the facility, delving into the inner workings of Triton Power Station. From the imposing cooling towers to the intricate water purification systems, every aspect of the plant was illuminated with expert explanations. John's adeptness at contextualising complex scientific concepts in relation to the students' prior studies in Science enriched the learning experience.

The visit was particularly meaningful for Alice, a Year 10 student, who earned the opportunity through her victory at the Women in Manufacturing and Engineering (WiME) event in Hull last October. Alice, accompanied by seven of her peers, seized the chance to delve into the world of energy production and share the enriching experience with her fellow students.

Expressing gratitude, Jo Harding remarked, "Thank you, Triton Power, for an amazing day filled with learning and inspiration!"
