Tranby Croft History Tours
Thursday March 20, 2025
to Wednesday June 18, 2025
Head of Languages and resident Tranby archivist, Gordon Stephenson, is once again offering history tours of the stunning Tranby Croft.
With exclusive access to unseen areas of the school and more information on Tranby Croft than you could shake a pack of playing cards at, the tours include the infamous Baccarat Room, family reception rooms, and the tower.
Due to high demand, we have only one tour remaining with availablity:
Wednesday 18th June - Hull High School for Girls Tour: Go back to your school days and revisit old classrooms, boarding rooms, and other areas of the school that hold a special place in your memory. Gordon is happy to accommodate your requests, so let him know where you would like to revisit, and this can be incorporated into the tour.
With such a rich heritage and history, tours of Tranby Croft are insightful and entertaining, plus they are open to all, so please do share with your friends and family.
We have just 4 spaces remaining on the tour so act fast and click below to book your slot.
Tickets are £10. All proceeds support the Tranby Trust (charity no. 1079653) and the development of the school archives.