
Pastoral Care

Your Sixth Form years are an incredibly important time of transformation - and very much a gateway to university and beyond. Tranby Sixth Form is built on giving each and every student the highest level of support both academic and pastoral.

Every Sixth Former is a member of a tutor group. This group will provide daily contact, not just for registration but also advice, planning and mutual support; targets are set and guidence is offeredat the various stages of your Sixth Form career. Your tutor will become a key figure during your time in the Sixth Form and a point of contact between School and home.

You will belong to one of the School's four houses; Marvell, Holtby, Johnson or Venn. There are plenty of events throughout the academic year to help your house achieve victory.

Our experienced team of teaching staff, tutors and careers advisor know our Sixth Form students very well. This is a consequence of our Sixth Form classes being small, averaging five students per class.

Pastoral support

Any pupils experiencing anti-social behaviour, bullying, anxiety or who have concerns about a friend can also submit their concerns by clicking here and completing our ‘Need to Know’ form.  Your report will be sent to a confidential email account managed by Heads of Year. The form is available for pupils, families and the local community.  We will not store any personal information if you use this service.

Heads of Year can also be contacted directly and in confidence via email as follows:

Sixth Form: annabel.robinson@tranby.org.uk


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Katherine Bloomfield. Mrs Bloomfield should be your first point of contact for all safeguarding matters, and can be contacted via email: katherine.bloomfield@tranby.org.uk

Safeguarding concerns can also be reported confidentially and anonymously by pupils, families and the local community by clicking here, or on the tab below, and completing the safeguarding concerns form. This anonymous reporting service is for pupils, families and the local community. Reports are submitted to a confidential school email account managed by Mrs Bloomfield.

Mrs Bloomfield works with experienced staff who are trained in responding to safeguarding issues. We will not store any personal information if you use this service.

Internet Safety

It is very important that everyone stays safe whilst online. The internet is a great place to learn and communicate with other people. If you have any concerns about anything online please speak to a relative or teacher.

CEOP stands for 'Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre'. The organisation's aim is to eradicate the sexual abuse of children. It is part of UK policing and works with a variety of national and international agencies to investigate wrongdoing. You can access the CEOP website hereAdditional support and advice for parents is available here.

Reporting inappropriate behaviour online

You can make a report to CEOP if someone has acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know. It may be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it by clicking  here.