


Sports Hall (to Sport England Standard)

  • Four badminton courts
  • One netball court
  • Two bays for indoor cricket nets
  • One volleyball court
  • One full size basketball court, two small basketball courts
  • Gymnastic equipment (including two trampolines)
  • Five table tennis tables
  • One indoor hockey pitch


  • One small basketball court

Hard Surface

  • Three netball courts
  • Three tennis courts

Astro Turf

  • One full size hockey pitch
  • Two mini-hockey pitches
  • Two five-a-side football pitches
  • One full size football pitch
  • Seven tennis courts

Playing Fields

  • Three grass rugby/football pitches
  • One primary football pitch
  • One grass hockey pitch
  • Four rounders pitches
  • 400m athletics track
  • Long/triple jump pit
  • Throwing circle

Sports Pavilion 

  • Two changing rooms
  • Referee changing room 
  • Reception room with seating
  • Kitchenette

The Drama Department at Tranby is vibrant and enthusiastic. We work hard to fit in and carry out all the imaginative and interesting projects that take place within the school year.

Drama is taught in the Senior School from Year 7 until Year 9 after which GCSE and AS/A2 courses are offered. In the Prep School, from Years 4 to 6, the emphasis is on imaginative learning and confidence building.

Our facilities include:

  • Two drama studios
  • A theatre with stage
  • Sound and lighting box and portable lighting kits 

Two fully-equipped classrooms, each including:

  • Keyboards and percussion instruments from around the world
  • PCs with the latest Sibelius composition software and high quality sampled sounds

The Baccarat Room and Drawing Room adjoin the Music Department and provide superb space and acoustics for rehearsals or small concerts. The Radcliffe Hall also has Yamaha C3 grand piano and is used for larger concerts.

Six individual practice rooms with pianos, plus:

  • A team of skilled visiting music teachers covering all instruments, theory and singing
  • A large stock of musical instruments available on a termly hire basis for pupils’ use 
  • Collegiate Chorus (open to all), Cantamus (Chamber Choir), Year 7 Choir, Senior Orchestra, Guitar Group, Prep Orchestra, Wind Band, Prep Choir and smaller chamber music ensembles

Each pupil from Year 3 upwards is encouraged to learn a musical instrument or have singing lessons.

Design Technology

The Senior School has its own dedicated 136 square metre Design Technology workshop with multi-materials equipment with CAD/CAM facilities.

Pupils are encouraged to be involved in their own learning. A project-based design-and-make approach is used, with each project addressing a different area of technology. The projects are designed to develop new skills and knowledge in an interesting and stimulating manner.

Food Technology

The Food Technology centre is a 92 square metre area providing full cooking facilities, sinks and fridges. Food Technology is compulsory in Key Stage 3, focusing on essential cooking skills, nutrition and the science behind food. Pupils can continue with this option to GCSE and A Level.

The Food Technology department has been awarded the Good Schools Guide for boys taking Food Technology at GCSE level.


Both the Prep School and the Senior School benefit from the latest ICT equipment which we use to full advantage.

Prep School

Each classroom in the Prep School, including Nursery, has its own interactive whiteboard. Activexpression is used to make sure that even the quietest pupil participates fully in lessons. The Prep School has its own ICT suite and throughout the school each pupil is able to work on their own computer during ICT lessons. 

Senior School

The Senior School benefits from three ICT suites and there are additional IT facilities in the Indepenent Learning Centre as well as a Sixth Form Resource Area. All teaching rooms, apart from the Drama Studios, have an interactive whiteboard.

We use Activexpression in the Senior School to complement teaching techniques.


Both the Prep School and the Senior School benefit from modern, fully-equipped science laboratories.

The Prep School

The Prep School has its own science laboratory which is used by all pupils in Key Stage 2.

The Senior School

The Senior School has six fully equipped laboratories; two for each of the science disciplines taught: Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Practical work forms the core of the teaching and the faculty is well supported in this respect both by its laboratory technicians and extensive apparatus that is well maintained and constantly upgraded.

Refectory and Catering

School lunches are included within termly fees which are nutrionally balanced. Pupils can choose three-courses to include soup, hot options, pasta specials, sandwiches, salad bar and dessert.

Foundation stage pupils have a simpler version of the main menu.  Food is freshly prepared on-site daily by the Head Chef and team of Chartwells Independent.

A breakfast and break service is also provided for pupils and staff for which extra charges are applicable.


The Prep School has two libraries, one each for the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children. These include age appropriate books including picture books, fiction and non-fiction books.

The Senior School has a Independent Learning Centre which covers all areas of the curriculum and provides plenty of fiction books for pupils to browse through. Our Senior School librarians are available throughout the day, particularly break and lunchtime, to provide guidance and suggestions for our pupils’ reading lists.

Author visits play an important part in both the Prep and the Senior School and a minimum of three author visits take place during the year. Previous visitors have included Darren Shan and Simon Armitage.