

“A comprehensive careers education programme is in place and careers guidance is embedded across the curriculum. Older pupils participate in a varied work experience programme. Pupils use their knowledge and experiences to assess their employability skills and influence their future learning. Pupils leave the school well-prepared for the next stage of their lives. They successfully take up a variety of further education courses and employment opportunities.”
ISI Report October 2023

Our Careers Programme

Our careers education programme is delivered to all students and is continuously being developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Careers Programme Overview

Unifrog is the complete destinations platform, a one-stop-shop where students can easily explore their interests, then find and successfully apply for their next best step after school. Unifrog will help students to explore their key interests and what career paths they can take to reach their goals. Click on the link HERE to launch the presentation. Please click HERE to view the universal destinations platform video.  

Accessing Careers Information
In order to make well informed, realistic decisions about their education, training and careers, students require up-to-date and impartial careers information. In school, students are encouraged to use a variety of labour market information sources which are included below:

Careers Co-Ordinator, Jo Harding

Labour Market Information (LMI) is a key element of careers education, information and guidance. LMI helps you to understand:

  • Where the jobs are locally
  • Which jobs are increasing and which are declining
  • Which skills will be needed in the future

This information can help you in making decisions about your future learning choices and in choosing a career. Start thinking about your future by visiting: Skills Hull and East Yorkshire and explore our local Labour Market Information, sector information, company profiles and much more.

Careers Newsletters

Key Stage 3

During Key Stage 3 the careers programme is delivered as part of the Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) programme and during tutor time. Pupils spend time developing their self-awareness including their personal characteristics, abilities, interests, potential and limitations through use of the Morrisby Careers Programme and Unifrog Careers platform.

All pupils are able to access one-to-one career interviews with the Careers Coordinator to discuss possible options and the careers coordinator is on hand to support pupils and parents at the Year 9 Options Evening with their choices.

In Year 9, the programme focuses on students choosing their GCSE options. Tutors spend time highlighting the transferrable skills that can be gained from subjects and where the subject can lead to. 

Key Stage 4

During Key Stage 4, pupils receive career lessons delivered as part of their PSHCE programme. Emphasis is placed on developing key skills such as communication, problem­solving, teamwork, employability and research skills. At the end of Year 10, pupils are encouraged to partake in a week of work experience in a company /industry of their choice. In Year 11, all pupils complete a comprehensive Morrisby Profiling Assessment which generates a report to assist them with their Post-16 choices.

All Senior School pupils also benefit from attending our annual Careers Fair, Careers Breakfast Meetings, talks and workshops delivered by subject matter experts, industry experts, the Armed Forces, Alumni, and Apprenticeship Experts both within PSHCE, through extra-curricular activities and through their core and chosen subjects. Throughout Key Stage 4, all pupils can access 1:1 career interviews to discuss a variety of pathways with the Careers Coordinator and the Heads of Pre-Sixth Form.

Sixth Form

In the Sixth Form, students benefit from dedicated 1:1 support from the Head of Sixth Form and the Careers Coordinator to help them to decide on next steps. Pupils who are keen to apply to early entrant courses are given additional support to understand what they need to do, in order to submit a competitive application. Pupils are encouraged to think carefully about how work experience, summer schools or academic events/lectures can enhance their application to University or School Leaver Programmes.

In Year 13, students benefit from a dedicated interview support where our students are put through the rigours of mock university or job interviews. This is currently done by our Head of Sixth Form and the Careers Coordinator but we hope to set up a programme of mock interviews supported by parents, governors and local employers. Throughout the Sixth Form, students work closely with their tutor and Head of Sixth Form to ensure that they are guided through the Sixth Form and supported with their next steps. All Sixth Form students are encouraged to revisit their Morrisby Profiles and explore further education and career options via the Unifrog careers platform.

We measure the success of our careers programme through feedback from our students and destination data and speak with students about what they need to support them with their career planning. Please view our Careers Policy to discover more about our programme.

All students throughout the school are able to access one-to-one career advice where it is appropriate for their future, with all students in KS4 receiving a guidance interview and all Sixth Formers having ample opportunity to do so. The Careers Coordinator is available to speak or meet with parents/carers or by appointment regarding opportunities for students and how best to support their sons/daughters with their career planning.