
Prep - Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is at the very heart of the School. Our aim is to create a happy, supportive, secure, stimulating and nurturing environment for all children, in which they can develop emotionally, socially, spiritually and intellectually to their full potential. 

Our ethos enables children to feel confident in celebrating their successes, as well as developing those qualities that cannot be defined by academic success: interpersonal skills, leadership potential, self-awareness and mental and physical resilience. 

Your child’s class teacher is their primary source of pastoral care, but additional support is available from all staff. The School also has access to a professional counsellor.  


Any pupils experiencing anti-social behaviour, bullying, anxiety or who have concerns about a friend can also submit their concerns by clicking here and completing our ‘Need to Know’ form.  Your report will be sent to a confidential email account managed by Mrs Maynard, Prep Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The form is available for pupils, families and the local community.  We will not store any personal information if you use this service.

Mrs Maynard can also be contacted directly and in confidence via email as follows:

Email: sarah.maynard@tranby.org.uk


The Prep Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Maynard. Mrs Maynard should be your first point of contact for all safeguarding matters, and can be contacted via email: sarah.maynard@tranby.org.uk

Safeguarding concerns can also be reported confidentially and anonymously by pupils, families and the local community by clicking here, or on the tab below, and completing the safeguarding concerns form. This anonymous reporting service is for pupils, families and the local community. Reports are submitted to a confidential school email account managed by Mrs Maynard.

Mrs Maynard works with experienced staff who are trained in responding to safeguarding issues. We will not store any personal information if you use this service.

Internet Safety

It is very important that everyone stays safe whilst online. The internet is a great place to learn and communicate with other people. If you have any concerns about anything online please speak to a relative or teacher.

CEOP stands for 'Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre'. The organisation's aim is to eradicate the sexual abuse of children. It is part of UK policing and works with a variety of national and international agencies to investigate wrongdoing. You can access the CEOP website hereAdditional support and advice for parents is available here and here

Reporting inappropriate behaviour online

You can make a report to CEOP if someone has acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know. It may be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it by clicking  here.