The Friends of Tranby (FoT) is a group of Tranby Senior and Prep parents, alumni and staff.
Our role is to encourage closer links between home and School. The FoT are best known for our fundraising work, but we also have a useful social function too, as our fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, carers, staff and pupils to get together.
FoT Committee
President - Patricia Pilgrim
Chairman - Peter Melling
Get Involved
If you would like to know more about The Friends of Tranby, become involved or suggest ideas for future events, please get in touch by email
We are delighted to announce we have raised £20,000 this academic year! Read in full on our end of year newsletter below:
Headmistress, Alex Wilson said ''I would like to personally thank the Friends of Tranby for their outstanding work throughout this academic year and raising £20,000 for the School. Their dedication, time and commitment has enabled our pupils to benefit from several successful projects which complement our carefully judged blend of academic challenge, pastoral support, and extra-curricular opportunity. I would also like to thank our parent community. The success of Friends of Tranby is due to your continued support. Tranby is a happy family school where every individual is known and nurtured as such, and I am proud of the incredible work and achievements we have accomplished together.