

Prep School House Den Building activity at Tranby

Prep School House Den Building activity at Tranby


Tranby Prep School were absolutely delighted to kick off the second half of Summer Term with a House Den Building competition, which involved children and parents from each House working together to produce the most amazing dens.

The dens were all totally unique and ingenious! A collection of materials brought by parents added to those from the school site enabled tunnels, dining tables and very clever doors!

The event was held within our stunning grounds and we were lucky enough to have a dry summer evening. Children and parents were treated to s’mores that they made themselves on the fire pits along with hot chocolate served by the teachers.

The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the children and perhaps even more so by their parents!  We couldn’t imagine a better way to engage children in the great outdoors on a summer night.

It was a nail biting few moments as the judges made their decision about the overall winner and a narrow victory by Johnson House was declared.
