

Languages Club Thrives in Prep School

Languages Club Thrives in Prep School


Prep School continues to inspire young linguists at the Languages Club by extending the invitation to Year 2 pupils which received an enthusiastic response from 13 eager learners. Monday's lunchtime session saw Year 2s delving into the vibrant world of Spanish, joining their older peers for an engaging session led by Sixth Form Languages students, Phoebe, Andrew and Finlay. The club offers a platform for all pupils to immerse themselves in the beauty of foreign languages.

The exceptional standard of learning witnessed in the club is a testament to the exemplary teaching and learning environment fostered at Tranby. Under the guidance of their older counterparts, the children are not only acquiring language skills but also benefiting from valuable mentorship and role modeling.

Phoebe, Andrew, and Finlay have been lauded for their outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to nurturing young talent. Their inspirational teamwork has paved the way for meaningful learning experiences, laying a strong foundation for the children to hone their linguistic abilities.

Prep teacher, Mrs Crossland said "We are thrilled to witness the enthusiasm and progress of our budding linguists. It's heartening to see our pupils embrace languages with such zest and dedication."

As the club continues to grow in popularity and success, we anticipate welcoming more aspiring linguists into our vibrant community, where language learning is celebrated and cherished.
