

An inspiring experience at the University of Hull Drama Department

An inspiring experience at the University of Hull Drama Department


Last week, the vibrant energy of drama filled the halls of the University of Hull as Year 9 pupils embarked on an enriching journey to explore the intricacies of theatre and performance.

Exploring Heritage and Innovation
The Drama Department at the University of Hull stands as a beacon of tradition and innovation, boasting a rich legacy that has significantly contributed to the academic discourse surrounding theatre and performance arts in the UK. As one of the oldest Drama departments in the country, its influence resonates far and wide, shaping the minds of aspiring thespians and scholars alike.

Exclusive Access to the Gulbenkian Centre
Upon arrival, our pupils were greeted with an exclusive opportunity to delve into the heart of theatrical creativity: the Gulbenkian Centre. This purpose-built theatre, adorned with state-of-the-art studios and workshop areas.

Hands-On Workshops
The day unfolded with three captivating workshops designed to ignite the imagination and nurture the potential of our young thespians. In the Costume Design workshop, pupils delved into the intricate process of selecting the perfect attire to complement each performance, gaining invaluable insights into the artistry behind every costume choice.

Next, the Ferens Dance Studio played host to a dynamic acting lesson, immersing our pupils in the captivating world of performance. Guided by professional, they honed their skills and embraced the essence of dramatic expression.

The highlight of the day came with the Set Design workshop, where pupils were tasked with unleashing their creativity to craft miniature models depicting three distinct theatre layouts. Amidst a flurry of ideas and innovation, they embraced the challenge, showcasing their ingenuity and flair for design.

A heartfelt thank you to the University of Hull Drama Department for their warm hospitality and invaluable insights. Until we meet again on the stage of creativity, let the curtains rise on a new era of theatrical excellence!
