
Tranby Social Action Team

Children in Year 6 are invited to join the social action team and to take part in a project lead by United Learning that encourages team work and leadership skills. Since its start in 2016, it has provided pupils with a voice in making a social change on a project that has inspired them. Some of the most powerful learning experiences happen when you make a meaningful difference in the world!

Meet this year's team:

Meet this year's team:
Meet this year's team2

Our projects:


‘Huggle a book and bring words to life’.  We have worked this year to provide a story experience to those that struggle to read and to encourage reading. We have worked with Dyslexia Sparks to develop an understanding of the difficulties faced. (link to presentation)

The project provides the children with the skills, techniques and confidence to develop their leadership skills both within and outside of school. We hope that through the projects we can encourage them to engage in social action and empower them to become tomorrow’s leaders of social change.

The projects starts with a day learning about values. They look at leaders that they aspire to and talk about the skills these people have in common. They talk about global goals that can make a difference to improve both the environment and someone’s life.

Our projects always start from an idea agreed by the children, something that matters to them.



We worked with the charity Street Paws to raise awareness of animals living with homeless people across the UK who needed shelter and veterinary care at their time in need. ( link to presentation)


We raised awareness of bees and other pollinating insects. We highlighted how the use of pesticides, together with a decline in their natural habitats, have caused a significant reduction in the bee population. We made and distributed wild flower seed bombs and planted a wildflower meadow at school. ( link to Presentation)


We raised awareness of reducing single use plastics, ocean pollution, beach cleans and produced eco bricks as a temporary measure to reduce single use plastics from entering the ecosystem. (link to presentation)


We worked in raising awareness of dementia. Working with a local care home we provided the residents with a tea dance.  ( link to presentation)


We worked with the Hull Homeless Community Project to raise awareness of the homeless community in Hull during our City of Culture year.