We worked with the charity Street Paws to raise awareness of animals living with homeless people across the UK who needed shelter and veterinary care at their time in need. ( link to presentation)
We raised awareness of bees and other pollinating insects. We highlighted how the use of pesticides, together with a decline in their natural habitats, have caused a significant reduction in the bee population. We made and distributed wild flower seed bombs and planted a wildflower meadow at school. ( link to Presentation)
We raised awareness of reducing single use plastics, ocean pollution, beach cleans and produced eco bricks as a temporary measure to reduce single use plastics from entering the ecosystem. (link to presentation)
We worked in raising awareness of dementia. Working with a local care home we provided the residents with a tea dance. ( link to presentation)
We worked with the Hull Homeless Community Project to raise awareness of the homeless community in Hull during our City of Culture year.